Test Drive CCTV Logbook for free
Book a personal product tour
Get the best out of your 30 day free trial with a personal guided tour.
We’ll sign you up to the software, show you the main areas and even import your first 10 assets so you can see how the software works with your hardware.
During the call we’ll
- Give you a product tour
- Answer any questions
- Sign you up
- Import 10 of your assets
Book a personal product tour
Frequently Asked Questions
As soon as you want to start a free trial please book onto the guided tour so we can start adding your assets and you can understand CCTV Logbook and make the most of the online portal.
The guided tour takes 30 minutes.
No, the guided tour is free and you will get 30 days to use the system for free. We think this will be long enough for you to understand how it will help you manage your CCTV assets.
We will import your first 10 assets and show you how to add more assets, navigate round the portal and demonstrate the usefulness of the work and document logs.
Yes, in addition to showing you the CCTV asset management section of the portal we will take you through how to use the compliance section. We will take you through the step-by-step process we have developed based on the 12 Guiding Principles contained within the Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s Code of Practice.
We will add more assets for you so you can get the most out of CCTV Logbook and once you are using the system we will be available for any help or assistance you need.